Man with AR-15 stops stabbing attack

Man with AR-15 stops stabbing attack

Dave Thomas of Oswego, Illinios witnessed an attacker with a knife stabbing his neighbor, went into his home, got his AR-15 and ordered the suspect to stop.

“The AR-15 is my weapon of choice for home protection."

"The AR-15 is my weapon of choice for home protection.  It’s light, it’s maneuverable. If you train and know how to use it properly, it’s not dangerous.  And this is just a perfect example of good guy with an AR-15 stopped a bad guy with a knife.  There were no lives taken, so all in all it was a good day.” said Dave. (continued below)

He helped his neighbor until the police arrived.  According to police the attack started with an argument and ended with an armed citizen willing to stand between the bad guy and his victim.

The suspect got away briefly, then was captured by police.  The victim was taken to the hospital to treat wounds.

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